Where we began
A short history of Peace MentorsIt all started when we began seeing great success within our church community; we added a second gathering, hired new staff and began to see growth that was clearly Holy Spirit-breathed in our small, rural town. All the while, something was brewing beneath the surface that called into question my leadership and would ultimately result in over half of our people leaving the church. It was devastating.
In walking with pastors, staff members and leadership teams we have discovered what it takes to address strife head-on, repair broken relationships and build healthy alliances. Working closely with pastors and teams, the journey to health is traveled at a manageable pace, where everyone is encouraged to participate in the process.
Knowing the struggle churches experience, Peace Mentors expanded to help pastors and churches become healthy communities. Communities which know and are fulfilling their God-given destiny. A healthy community is key to a healthy society.
Peace Mentors is dedicated to seeing everyone on the team flourish. When the team is healthy and flourishing, the ministry is primed to spring forward with passion. Healthy teams can focus on what is important to their mission, while leaving behind those things that hinder and derail the ministry.
About Bill
Some people describe Bill with words like Realistic, Intentional and To-the-Point. While these words accurately portray Bill, he is much more. Having pastored Abundant Life Center for 35 years, he has developed a keen understanding of pastors and what it takes to lead a church through periods of growth and times of discouragement.
Bill is fiercely committed to guiding your team to build healthy, balanced lives and strong relationships so they can reach their goals. He is ready to tackle the obstacles you are facing with confidence, bringing his years of experience and expertise to see your goals fulfilled.
Along with 40 plus years of ministry, Bill earned his D.Min. degree in 2000 and specialized in conflict resolution. He is a certified professional coach (ICF), best-selling author and adjunct professor at Western Seminary, where he teaches coaching.
Bill and his wife, Dorothy, live in Albany, Oregon, with Buddy their golden retriever. They have two married sons, Daniel and Mark, and five grandchildren.
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