Does your story include frustration, the feelings of helplessness and disappointment? Does your story end with you wanting to quit and leave the pain behind? Your story can have a different ending.
You can join the growing number of pastors and churches, who are rewriting the end of their story. An ending with hope, transformation and building an effective team. The excitement and satisfaction of leading a successful team can be yours again.
Using our 6-phase process and a variety of other excellent tools, you can experience the fruits of building a healthy team. Six Phases of Team Transformation will change your story line and it’s ending.
Executive Pastor, City Harvest Church, Vancouver W
I feel one of the greatest gifts you brought our team was safety. Safety to navigate the waters even when it seemed impossible. You were like the experienced river guide talking through the white water. I know we would be where we are if it wasn’t for you.
Six Phases of Team Transformation
Challenge your team to excel and do better
- Rebuild broken relationships and your team will gain new energy and commitment.
- See others differently and transition from a work group into a true team.
- Change behavior and your team will find new clarity, new passion and new opportunities.
- Utilize strengths and create an environment of success and winning.
- Understand personalities and your team will function with less stress and more intentionality.
- Common commitments is the difference between mediocracy and exceptional performance.

- Understand present reality
- Address broken relationships
- Own contributing factors
- Extend grace

- Have an outward mindset
- Engage in healthy conflict
- Establishing commitment
- Embrace accountability

Phase 3: Change Behavior
- Learn and build trust
- Engage in healthy conflict
- Broaden leadership skills
- Increase emotional intelligence

Phase 4: Utilize Strengths
- Identify personal strengths
- Coordinate team strengths
- Share resources

Phase 5: Understand Personalities
- Identify personalities
- Understand differences
- Value each person’s uniqueness
- Maximize strengths

Phase 6: Embrace Common Commitments
- Intentional follow-through
- Team accountability
- Team priorities first
- Celebrate others often

Bill didn’t come in and lecture but created a dialogue among the staff that cause a thorough examination of how we feel we deal with conflict, as a team. We discovered that our perceptions of successes and weaknesses vary greatly. Bill skillfully brought us to a point of a common understanding of how to bridge the gap through trust and conversation.
All leaders are faced with team issues and relational tensions that hold us back from fully realizing our potential in ministry or business. Productivity and results are significantly hindered when these things go unresolved.
Don’t go it alone. Please. Bill would love to hear about the things you’re dealing with and help your team come out stronger and more ready than ever to see you reach your goals. There is no obligation, just an honest conversation.